Soper, Alexander C. A vacation glimpse of the t'ang temples of ch'ang-an; the ssu-t'a chi by tuan ch'eng-shih. AA23.1 (1960) 15-40. Sprague, Roger. The most remarkable monument in western china. PS 83 (1913) 557-566. Re temple and great buddha in kiating. ....Hageni.w. (1922) 47 ptext, 73 pphotosof temple, 45p photos of sculpture, 37 p drawings, photos and plans of temple. Migeon, Gaston. Une sculpture chinoise classique, collection rockefeller a new york. ...
Modelle : NNICO, Sputnik, Florian B., mibblitz, Düsseldorfer, zwickau mod team, Flo Hagen, ich weiteres wird in Kürze folgen. Mfg Niklas. Persönliche Nervensäge von Flo. Hagen 8) :D. Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, ...
Unfortunately, my laptop is on vacation right now...where all my photos are stored! (I can hear Grammy Barbie right now saying, "I told her to back all of her photos up."..shh shh shh, I just haven't gotten around to it! ...